The ACA are committed to acting as the strongest advocate for the chiropractic profession, playing an integral role in promoting solutions to issues that affect chiropractors and the health of Australians.
This advocacy role is anchored by a commitment to build productive relationships, ensuring the promotion of quality standards and making sure members experience excellence with the Association.
In line with our values: support, accountability, integrity and leadership, we are committed to partner with brands that have an ongoing alignment with the Association’s programs and priorities, as well as support our mission and key objectives while bringing the best value to the core objective of our Association, our members.
Have Confidence in an ACA Preferred Product
Our ACA Preferred partnerships will offer our members a range of exclusive benefits such as discounted prices, promotions, dedicated customer support and more.
For ACA endorsed products targeted to the general public, visit our endorsed products page.

NobleOak Life Insurance
NobleOak Life Insurance offers a 10% lifetime discount* on comprehensive, award-winning Life cover directly to chiropractors and their families.