The Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA) is the leading voice for chiropractors in Australia, a member-centric organisation actively working to further the profession of chiropractic. ACA’s vision is that more Australians value and experience chiropractic care for their health and wellbeing.
ACA Definition
Australia’s peak member -base association for chiropractors and the chiropractic profession.
ACA Vision
More Australians value and experience chiropractic care for their health and wellbeing.
ACA Purpose
To lead the chiropractic profession and support members in the provision of excellence in person-centred chiropractic healthcare.
ACA Objects
The objects of the ACA are to:
promote, foster and protect the practice of chiropractic;
improve the health of Australians particularly through the advancement of the practice of chiropractic;
promote and maintain the professional and ethical standards of chiropractors;
advocate for, promote and defend/protect the interests of members and the chiropractic profession;
support chiropractic education that promotes the science, philosophy and practise of chiropractic;
support research activity that drives best practice in chiropractic;
promote ongoing professional development to promulgate best practice and accountability in chiropractic;
develop partnerships with government, business and community groups to work together on matters of interest to the chiropractic profession;
conduct such activities as are deemed appropriate to support all members of the association; and
deal for and on behalf of members on matters which the members and/or the Board determine to be appropriate.
ACA Pillars
In order to achieve our vision, ACA will
focus on member value in the provision of services;
develop and promote professional standards and advance research for chiropractors;
advocate and promote policy awareness and public understanding of the benefits of chiropractic care;
govern and manage the Association to best practice.
ACA Corporate Social Responsibility
As part of our corporate governance, the Board has set a commitment to annually donate 1% of operating revenue from the budget, as its corporate social responsibility (CSR) contribution.
To download the Corporate Social Responsibility Guidelines document click here.