About AICE

Take the next step in your chiropractic journey

The Australasian Institute of Chiropractic Education (AICE) was established in 2019 by the Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA) to promote advanced clinical competence and knowledge transfer through the establishment of credentialed advanced learning pathways. We support our members and the profession by improving their skills and knowledge, facilitating research and developing policy and guidance.

If you are an ACA member and wish to join AICE as a
Member, Titled Member or Fellow –  join now.

AICE membership is exclusive to ACA members. If you are not an ACA member –  join now.

Why ACA supports AICE

The ACA has identified the need for a structure that will provide the chiropractic profession with a consistent framework within which practitioners can be recognised for their advanced skills and knowledge in clinical interest areas such as Sports & Exercise, Neurorehabilitation, Paediatrics and Lifestyle Medicine. This framework will provide credentials that will be recognised within the chiropractic profession as well as by other health professions and the public.

AICE Mission & Vision

AICE Strategic Plan

AICE Governance

AICE Structure


AICE Post-Nominals


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