1. Project IdentificationChief Investigator (CI):(Required)(Applicant): (If different to CI):Title of Project:(Required)Team Members (indicate ACA Member*) - Name / Position / Institute:(Required)Are you seeking co-funding for this project:(Required) Yes No If yes, provide details:(Required)2. Project SynopsisProvide a synopsis of the proposed project highlighting topic background, evidence gaps and aims. (max 200 words)(Required)3. Project Description (40%)Provide a detailed summary (with appropriate referencing) of the background, hypotheses or research objectives, study design or methodology, feasibility of the project, and evidence of high-quality research practices (such as statements on protocol registration, analysis plan registration, and adherence to relevant reporting guidelines) to ensure that the experimental results will be unbiased, reproducible, transparent. (max 800 words, excluding references)(Required)4. Significance of Expected Outcomes or Research Innovation (20%)Provide a statement and specific details of how the project will increase knowledge relevant to chiropractic and/or impact on the practice of chiropractic. (max 400 words)(Required)5. Dissemination of Results (10%)Provide a summary of planned processes and features that facilitate dissemination and/or translation of findings to the chiropractic and wider healthcare community and the likelihood that these strategies will influence practice, policy, and/or behaviour change. Include any future plans, which do not necessarily need to be achieved during the project scope or timeline. (max 400 words)(Required)6. Project Team Quality and Capability (20%)Provide a detailed summary of the Chief Investigator’s research record (including up to 5 recent publications relevant to the project), including appropriate research skills, and experience to complete the proposed project. Provide details of each research team member and in what capacity (role, responsibilities and contribution) each will contribute to the successful and timely completion of the project. Describe if/how members have worked together to complete other research projects. (max 100 words per team member, excluding references).(Required)7. Budget (10%)Provide an appropriate itemised budget with justification for each item: personnel (indicate salary level, on-costs, time involved), equipment, project materials, consumables, and other. *(The grant will not cover institutional fees/contributions)(Required)8. TImeline (eg. Gantt Chart)(Required)Applicant/Chief Investigator’s name:(Required) First Last Email(Required) SignatureInstitution Representative: (If appropriate): First Last Date DD slash MM slash YYYY