Professional Indemnity Insurance

Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) – Make Sure You’re Covered!

The Chiropractic Board of Australia reminds all chiropractors to check your professional indemnity insurance (PII) policies and ensure that you have appropriate PII to practise as a chiropractor throughout the registration period.

Chiropractors are required to hold appropriate PII to practise – it’s a requirement of the National Law and an important part of keeping the public safe.

Not holding PII can be considered professional misconduct and in some cases can lead to a disciplinary tribunal, which could affect your registration and ability to practise.

Registration renewal happens each November and you’ll need to declare you hold PII.

Before you make this declaration, the Board suggests the following:

  • Check your PII coverage – is it current? Is it at an appropriate level?
  • If you have staff who are chiropractors, make sure they’re covered.
  • Set yourself a reminder for when your policy is due to be renewed.
  • If you’re a graduate, get your PII sorted out before you start practising.

What if you find you’re not appropriately covered?

  • Stop practising immediately.
  • Notify Ahpra. You must do this within seven days using the Notice of certain events form: Form – NOCE-00 – Notice of Certain Events.

Note that if you have a gap in PII and fail to notify Ahpra at the time but instead declare the gap later, you will have failed to comply with your obligations under the National Law.

If you’ve changed your credit card or bank details, or your contact details such as email address or phone number, check in with your provider to make sure your details with them are up to date.

Remember to keep your PII certificate of currency.

If you are uncertain about the PII you need, seek professional advice from an insurance broker or legal advisor.

For more information on Registration standard: Professional indemnity insurance arrangements – Click here.