Get More Involved by Joining a Committee

In accordance with our Constitution, the ACA Board has established a number of Committees to forward the position of the ACA through considered, broad-based engagement of members.

Working closely with key staff, these Committees help the ACA Board carry out the practical implications of our vision and mission. The ACA Board takes advice from a wide range of sources, including Committees and external sources to develop and review policies and guidelines.

Committees are important on many levels, as they improve collaboration within the membership, provide a broader professional opinion and also enable the ACA to develop future leaders within the profession and the Association.

There are two main types of Committees within the ACA: Regional Committees and Standing Committees. The Board may also from time to time establish ad hoc Committees as it sees fit to assist in carrying out specific projects or tasks.

Regional Committees act in an advisory capacity to ensure that local priorities are identified, resourced and responded to through the Regional Manager. Regional Committees include:

  • Northern (QLD and NT);
  • Southern (VIC, SA and TAS);
  • Eastern (NSW and ACT); and
  • Western (WA).

Standing Committees are ongoing Committees to deal with a specified subject, as directed by their Terms of Reference. Standing Committees include:

  • Policy;
  • Practice Advisory;
  • Public Engagement;
  • Conduct & Ethics;
  • Tertiary Education & Research;
  • Member Engagement;
  • Continuing Professional Development;
  • Women in Chiropractic; and
  • Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Rural and Remote Practitioner’s Network (ARRPN).

Our volunteer Committee members are a group of dedicated chiropractors, who give their time to help improve, coordinate and implement actions that further support ACA members. With the wide scope of Committees at work, each committee member has an important role to play within the Association and wider profession.

The Board encourages members to be part of a Committee to diversify the views received, particularly if you bring skills, experience or knowledge in the specific field. Being engaged with a committee gives you an opportunity to be involved and contribute.

Committees meet regularly throughout the year via video conference, with one annual in-person meeting, where available.

We are currently seeking expressions of interest for the following Committees, and invite you to put yourself forward:

  • Practice Advisory;
  • Member Engagement;
  • Public Engagement; and
  • ARRPN (a member who identifies as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander).

If you are interested in joining one of our Committees, visit for Terms of Reference and application information.